Muslim Population Map

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The World distribution of the Muslim population provides valuable insights into cultural diversity, demographic trends, and the reach of Islam worldwide. A Muslim population map by country showcases where Muslims are concentrated, with Muslim-majority countries highlighted across the Middle East, Southeast Asia, and parts of Africa.

By examining an Islamic population world map, we can see not only the density but also the rapid growth in regions like Asia and Africa, with countries like Indonesia, Pakistan, and India having some of the largest Muslim populations. Tracking this distribution helps illustrate the spread of Islam worldwide, revealing both current demographics and projections for future growth. Such maps offer a clear view of Muslim population density, giving context to the percentage of Muslims by country and changes over time.

Historical Estimate Of Muslim Population In The World

Historical Estimate Of Muslim Population In The World
Historical Estimate Of Muslim Population In The World

This line chart showing the historical estimate of the Muslim population in the world from 1800 to 2020. The chart illustrates three trends:
  • World Population (in billions), which steadily increased over time.
  • Muslim Population (in billions), also growing significantly, especially post-1900.
  • Islamic Followers Share (% of total world population), rising from 9.1% in 1800 to 26% in 2020, showing the growing percentage of Muslims globally over time.
This visualization highlights the demographic shifts and the increasing share of Muslims in the global population. ​

World Muslim Population Map

World Muslim population map
World map showing Muslim population percentages by region and administrative units.

This world map depicts the percentage distribution of Muslims by region and administrative unit, with colors representing different population ranges. Dark green indicates areas with 90-100% Muslim populations, while lighter shades represent lower percentages. The map offers a detailed view of Muslim concentration around the world, highlighting regions with significant Muslim communities.

World Muslim Population Density by Country

World Muslim Population Density by Country
Map showing the density of Muslim population worldwide by country.

This map illustrates the density of Muslim populations around the world, with countries shaded according to the percentage of their population that is Muslim. Darker green areas indicate countries with higher Muslim densities (80-100%), while lighter shades represent lower percentages. This provides a visual overview of the distribution of Muslim populations around the world.

World Muslim Population by Country in Millions

World Muslim Population by Country in Millions
Global map showing Muslim population by country in millions on the World map.

This world map shows the Muslim population by country, categorised in millions. Darker shades represent countries with larger Muslim populations, while lighter shades indicate smaller populations. The map provides a visual understanding of the global distribution of Muslims, highlighting regions with significant populations, particularly in Asia and Africa.

Muslim Population Map in Asia and Australia

Muslim Population Map in Asia and Australia
This map shows Muslim Population Map in Asia and Australia.

Muslim Population Map in Africa

Muslim Population Map in Africa
This map shows Muslim Population Map in Africa.

Muslim Population Map in Europe

Muslim Population Map in Europe
This map shows Muslim Population Map in Europe.

Muslim Population Map in North America and South America

Muslim Population Map in North America and South America
This map shows Muslim Population Map in North America and South America.

Global Muslim Population Density by Country

Global Muslim Population Density by Country
Map displaying the percentage density of Muslim populations by country worldwide.

This world map displays the percentage density of Muslim populations across different countries. Darker shades represent countries where Muslims make up a higher percentage (90-100%), while lighter shades indicate lower percentages. The map visually highlights regions with significant Muslim presence, particularly in the Middle East, North Africa, and parts of Asia.

World Muslim Population by Percentage

World Muslim Population by Percentage
Map showing Muslim population percentages by country worldwide.

This map illustrates the percentage of Muslims within the populations of various countries worldwide. Darker shades represent regions with a higher percentage of Muslims (90-100%), while lighter shades indicate lower percentages. The map highlights significant Muslim presence in the Middle East, North Africa, and parts of Asia.

Projected Muslim Population in Europe by 2050

Projected Muslim Population in Europe by 2050
Map showing projected Muslim population percentages in Europe by 2050.

This map projects the percentage of Muslim population in each European country by 2050. Darker shades indicate higher projections of Muslim populations, while lighter shades represent lower expected proportions. The map illustrates expected demographic changes, showing areas of significant population growth across Europe.

Muslim Population in the United States (2024)

Muslim Population in the United States (2024)
Pie chart showing Muslim population in the U.S. as 1% in 2024.

This pie chart illustrates the Muslim population percentage in the United States in 2024, with Muslims comprising 1% of the total population. The chart visually contrasts the small proportion of Muslims compared to the 99% non-Muslim population, highlighting the minority status of Muslims within the U.S.

Muslim Population Density Across Indian States (2001 Census)

Muslim Population Density Across Indian States (2001 Census)
A map of India displaying the percentage of Muslim population by state based on the 2001 Census.

Darker shades of green represent higher Muslim population densities, with Jammu and Kashmir having the highest percentage (60-70%). Other regions vary, with lighter shades indicating lower percentages of Muslims in different states.

India’s Muslim Population Distribution by District

India's Muslim Population Distribution by District
Map of India’s Muslim population by district, shaded by population density.

This map shows the distribution of India’s Muslim population across districts. Different shades represent varying population densities, with darker shades indicating higher numbers of Muslims in the area. The map helps to illustrate regional concentrations and diversity within India’s Muslim population.

India’s Muslim Population Distribution by District

India's Muslim Population Distribution by District
Map of India’s Muslim population by district, shaded by population density

This map shows the distribution of India’s Muslim population across districts. Different shades represent varying population densities, with darker shades indicating higher numbers of Muslims in the area. The map helps to illustrate regional concentrations and diversity within India’s Muslim population.

Top 10 Largest Muslim Countries

1. Pakistan Muslim Population Map in the World

Pakistan Muslim Population Map in the World
A population of 240,760,000 Muslims live in Pakistan.

2. Indonesia Muslim Population Map in the World

Indonesia Muslim Population Map in the World
A population of 236,000,000 Muslims live in Indonesia.

3. India Muslim Population Map in the World

India Muslim Population Map in the World
A population of 200,000,000 Muslims live in India.

4. Nigeria Muslim Population Map in the World

Nigeria Muslim Population Map in the World
A population of 97,000,000 Muslims live in Nigeria.

5. Bangladesh Muslim Population Map in the World

Bangladesh Muslim Population Map in the World
A population of 150,800,000 Muslims live in Bangladesh.

6. Egypt Muslim Population Map in the World

Egypt Muslim Population Map in the World
A population of 90,000,000 Muslims live in Egypt.

7. Turkey Muslim Population Map in the World

Turkey Muslim Population Map in the World
A population of 84,400,000 Muslims live in Türkiye.

8. Iran Muslim Population Map in the World

Iran Muslim Population Map in the World
A population of 82,500,000 Muslims live in Iran.

9. China Muslim Population Map in the World

China Muslim Population Map in the World
A population of 50,000,000 Muslims live in China.

10. Algeria Muslim Population Map in the World

Algeria Muslim Population Map in the World
A population of 43,737,096 Muslims live in Algeria.

Feel free to explore largest Muslim Countries

Iraq Muslim Population Map in the World

Iraq Muslim Population Map in the World
A population of 39,653,447 Muslims live in Iraq.

Morocco Muslim Population Map in the World

Morocco Muslim Population Map in the World
A population of 36,370,847 Muslims live in Morocco.

Saudi Arabia Muslim Population Map in the World

Saudi Arabia Muslim Population Map in the World
A population of 31,535,000 Muslims live in Saudi Arabia.

United States (US) Muslim Population Map in the World

United States (US) Muslim Population Map in the World
A population of 3,450,000 Muslims live in the United States.

United Kingdom (UK) Muslim Population Map in the World

United Kingdom (UK) Muslim Population Map in the World
A population of 2,130,000 Muslims live in United Kingdom.

France Muslim Population Map in the World

France Muslim Population Map in the World
A population of 5,720,000 Muslims live in France.

Canada Muslim Population Map in the World

Canada Muslim Population Map in the World
A population of 1,775,715 Muslims live in Canada.

Australia Muslim Population Map in the World

Australia Muslim Population Map in the World
A population of 813,392 Muslims live in Australia.

Germany Muslim Population Map in the World

Germany Muslim Population Map in the World
A population of 4,600,000 Muslims live in Germany.

Afghanistan Muslim Population Map in the World

Afghanistan Muslim Population Map in the World
A population of 37,025,000 Muslims live in Afghanistan.

Malaysia Muslim Population Map in the World

Malaysia Muslim Population Map in the World
A population of 20,063,500 Muslims live in Malaysia.

Azerbaijan Muslim Population Map in the World

Azerbaijan Muslim Population Map in the World
A population of 10,073,758 Muslims live in Azerbaijan.

Tanzania Muslim Population Map in the World

Tanzania Muslim Population Map in the World
A population of 19,426,814 Muslims live in Tanzania.

Russia Muslim Population Map in the World

Russia Muslim Population Map in the World
A population of 16,000,000 Muslims live in Russia.

World Countries Map

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  • US Population Map ↗️
  • Muslim Population Map ↗️
  • Muslim Population Map in Asia by Country ↗️
  • Muslim Population Map in Africa by Country ↗️
  • Muslim Population Map in Europe by Country ↗️
  • Muslim Population Map in Americas by Country ↗️
  • India Map ↗️
  • Pakistan Map ↗️
  • Indonesia Map ↗️
  • Bangladesh Map ↗️
  • Turkey Map ↗️
  • Iran Map ↗️
  • United States Map ↗️
  • Asia Map ↗️
  • Europe Map ↗️
  • North America Map ↗️
  • South America Map ↗️
  • Africa Map ↗️
  • Oceania Map ↗️
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