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Kuwait has a population of 2,818,042 people, Kuwait’s capital city is Kuwait City and largest city of Kuwait.

Kuwait personel income per capita $65,826 (8th), jobless rate 2.00% and its currency Kuwaiti Dinar (KWD).

Kuwait official languages and mostly spoken dialects are Arabic, ethnics groups : 33.9% Kuwaiti Arab, 45.9% Other Arab, 13.5% South / East Asian, 4.8% European / American, 1.9% Iranian.

A Collection of Kuwait Photos

Kuwait Cityscape

Kuwait CityscapeBeautiful dawn view of Kuwait cityscape.

Kuwait City

Kuwait City
Kuwait City, roads.

Kuwait City Downtown

Kuwait City Downtown

Kuwait City downtown View.

Kuwait City Center

Kuwait City Center
Kuwait City Center and roads.

Kuwait City Harbour

Kuwait City Harbour
Kuwait City Harbour View

Kuwait City Panoromic View

Kuwait City Panoromic View

Kuwait City Panoromic View in Kuwait

Old Arabian Boat, Kuwait

Old Arabian Boat, Kuwait
An old Arabian boat docked in front of Kuwait Landmark.

Rowing Boat on the Sea of Kuwait City

Rowing Boat on the Sea of Kuwait City
A man rowing boat on the sea of Kuwait city during sunset.

Where is Kuwait on the Asia Map?

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