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Thailand has a population of 66,720,153 people, Thailand’s largest city Bangkok is the capital of Thailand.

Thailand personel income per capita $5,850, jobless rate 2.75% and its currency Baht (THB) . Thailand official languages and mostly spoken dialects are Thai.

Ethnics Groups : Thai and Thai Chinese (89%) [Northeastern Thai (Isan Lao) (34.2%) Central Thai (33.7%) Northern Thai (18.8%) Southern Thai (13.3%) Thai Chinese (14%), Khmer (7%), Malay (3%), Other (1%).

A Collection of Thailand Photos

Thailand travel concept

Thailand travel conceptThailand travel concept, elephant.

Railay beach in Krabi Thailand

Railay beach in Krabi Thailand
Railay beach in Krabi, Thailand.

Wat Arun, Bangkok, Thailand

Wat Arun, Bangkok, Thailand

View from Wat Arun, Bangkok, Thailand.

Wat None Kum Temple, Thailand

Wat None Kum Temple, Thailand
Landmark wat thai, sunset in temple at Wat None Kum in Nakhon Ratchasima province Thailand.

Building cityscape in Bangkok, Thailand

Building cityscape in Bangkok, Thailand
Building cityscape in Bangkok, Thailand.

Inthanon national park, Thailand

Inthanon national park, Thailand

Landmark landscape pagoda in doi Inthanon national park at chiang mai Thailand.

Where is Thailand on the Asia Map?

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