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Poland has a population of 38,186,860 people, Poland’s largest city Warsaw is the capital city of Poland.

Poland’s personnel income per capita is $13,540, the jobless rate is 3.75% and its currency ZÅ‚oty (PLN) . Poland’s official languages and most spoken dialects are Polish, and Kashubian.

Ethnics Groups: 91.56% Polish, 0.94% Silesian, 0.04% Kashubian, 0.07% German, 0.07% Ukrainian, 0.08% Belarusian, 7.24% Other.

A Collection of Poland Photos

Wawel Castle in Cracow, Poland

Wawel Castle in Cracow, PolandHistoric royal Wawel castle in Cracow, Poland with park and Vistula river. Aerial view at sunset.

Krakow, Poland

Krakow, Poland
Picturesque panoramic view of Wawel Royal Castle complex in Krakow, Poland. It is the most historically and culturally important site in Poland.

Night View, Krakow, Poland

Night View, Krakow, Poland


Warsaw Downtown, Poland

Warsaw Downtown, Poland
Warsaw, Poland. Aerial view Palace of Culture and Science and downtown business skyscrapers, city center.

Krakow Wawel Castle

Krakow Wawel Castle
Krakow – Wawel castle at day.

Where is Poland on the Europe Map?

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