Czech Republic

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Czech Republic has a population of 10,513,209 people, Czech Republic’s capital city is Prague (Praha) and largest city Prague (Praha).

Czech Republic personel income per capita $18,337, jobless rate 0.05% and its currency Czech koruna (CZK). Czech Republic official languages and mostly spoken dialects are Czech.

Ethnics Groups : Slovak, German, Polish, Bulgarian, Croatian, Greek, Hungarian, Romani, Russian, Rusyn, Serbian, Ukrainian.

Karlovy Vary Spa in Czech Republic

Karlovy Vary Spa in Czech RepublicAerial view of medieval town Loket nad Ohri nearby Karlovy Vary spa in Czech Republic. Central Europe.

Cesky Krumlov, Czech Republic

Cesky Krumlov, Czech Republic
Beautiful view to church and castle in Cesky Krumlov, Czech republic.

Charles Bridge and Old Townl, Prague

Charles Bridge and Old Townl, Prague

Prague, Charles Bridge and Old Townl. Czech Republic.

Prague with Castle, Czech Republic

Prague with Castle, Czech Republic
View over historic center of Prague with castle, Czech Republic

Vltava and bridges in Prague

Vltava and bridges in Prague
Beautiful view to Vltava and bridges in Prague, Czech republic.

Where is Czechia on the Europe Map?

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