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Mexico has a population of 115,296,767 people, Mexico’s largest city Mexico City is the capital of Mexico.

Mexico’s personel income per capita 10,153, jobless rate 4.50% and its currency Peso (MXN). Mexico official languages and mostly spoken dialects are Spanish and 68 indigenous languages, ethnics groups : Indigenous peoples (14.86%).

Palace of Fine Arts Mexico City

Palace of Fine Arts Mexico CityPalace of Fine Arts Mexico City.

Zocalo Cathedral Mexico City

Zocalo Cathedral Mexico City
Panoramic view of Zocalo and Cathedral – Mexico City, Mexico.

View of Mexico City, Mexico

View of Mexico City, Mexico

Panoramic View of Mexico City – Mexico.

Playa Delfines Cancun Mexico

Playa Delfines Cancun Mexico
Beautiful beach in Cancun, Mexico – Playa Delfines

The Zocalo in Mexico City

The Zocalo in Mexico City
The Zocalo in Mexico City.

Where is Mexico on the North America Map?

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