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Finland has a population of 5,421,827 people, Finland’s capital city is Helsinki and largest city Helsinki.

Finland personel income per capita $49,349, jobless rate 0.75% and its currency Euro (€) (EUR) . Finland official languages and mostly spoken dialects are Finnish, Swedish, Sami, ethnics groups.

Town Pier in Helsinki, Finland

Town Pier in Helsinki, FinlandScenic summer panorama of the Market Square (Kauppatori) at the Old Town pier in Helsinki, Finland.

Old Town Helsinki, Finland

Old Town Helsinki, Finland
Scenic summer aerial panorama of the Old Town architecture in Helsinki, Finland.

Suomenlinna Maritime Helsinki, Finland

Suomenlinna Maritime Helsinki, Finland

Suomenlinna Maritime fortress on the Islands in the harbour of Helsinki, Finland.

Aerial view of Helsinki, Finland

Aerial view of Helsinki, Finland
Aerial view of Helsinki, capital of Finland.

Husky Dogs in Lapland Finland

Husky Dogs in Lapland Finland
Husky dogs are pulling sledge with family at winter forest in Lapland Finland.

Oulu City Hall, Finland

Oulu City Hall, Finland

Oulu City Hall (Oulun kaupungintalo) is the seat for the municipal government of the City of Oulu, Finland. It is located in the Pokkinen district of the central Oulu.

Helsinki, Finland

Helsinki, Finland
Panoramic aerial view of Helsinki in a beautiful summer day, Finland.

Where is Finland on the Europe Map?

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