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Taiwan has a population of 23,315,822 people, Taiwan’s largest city Taipei City is the capital of Taiwan.

Taiwan personel income per capita $19,888 (36th), jobless rate 1.88% and its currency New Taiwan dollar (NT$) (TWD) . Taiwan official languages and mostly spoken dialects are Standard Chinese, Taiwanese, Hakka, Formosan languages.

Ethnics Groups : 98% Han, 70% Hoklo, 14% Hakka, 14% Mainlanders, 2% Taiwanese aborigines.

A Collection of Taiwan Photos

Taiwan Lotus Pond’s Dragon, Taiwan

Taiwan Lotus Pond's Dragon, TaiwanKaohsiung, Taiwan Lotus Pond’s Dragon and Tiger Pagodas.

Taroko national park, Taiwan

Taroko national park, Taiwan
Scenic View in Taroko gorge, Taroko national park, Hualien, Taiwan.

Gugong National Palace Museum, Taipei

Gugong National Palace Museum, Taipei

Gugong National Palace Museum in Taipei, Taiwan.

Tiger Pagodas, Taiwan

Tiger Pagodas, Taiwan
Kaohsiung, Taiwan Lotus Pond’s Dragon and Tiger Pagodas.

Panoramic of Taipei city, Taiwan

Panoramic of Taipei city, Taiwan
Panoramic of Taipei city at sunrise, Taiwan.

Oolong Tea garden, Taiwan

Oolong Tea garden, Taiwan

Oolong Tea garden at Alishan in Chiayi, Taiwan.

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