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Netherlands has a population of 16,751,323 people, Netherlands’s largest city Amsterdam is the capital of Netherlands.

Netherlands’s personel income per capita $50,355, jobless rate 0.75% and its currency Euro EUR. Netherlands official languages and mostly spoken dialects are Dutch, Frisian (in Friesland), Papiamento (in Bonaire), English.

Ethnics Groups : 80.7% Dutch, 5.0% other EU, 2.4% Indonesians, 2.2% Turks, 2.0% Moroccans, 2.0% Surinamese, 0.8% Caribbean, 4.8% others.

Tulips, Zaanse Schans, Netherlands

Tulips, Zaanse Schans, NetherlandsLandscape with tulips, traditional dutch windmills and houses near the canal in Zaanse Schans, Netherlands, Europe

Dutch Windmills, Netherlands

Dutch Windmills, Netherlands
Vibrant pink tulips with Dutch windmills along a canal, Netherlands.

Church of Saint Nicholas, Amsterdam

Church of Saint Nicholas, Amsterdam

Church of Saint Nicholas in Amsterdam city, Netherlands.

Amsterdam Canal Singel

Amsterdam Canal Singel
Amsterdam canal Singel with typical dutch houses and houseboats during morning blue hour, Holland, Netherlands.

Panoramic aerial view from Amsterdam, Netherlands

Panoramic aerial view from Amsterdam, Netherlands
Panoramic aerial view of Amsterdam in a beautiful summer day, The Netherlands.

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