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Switzerland has a population of 8,000,000 people, Switzerland’s capital city is Bern and largest city Zurich.

Switzerland personel income per capita $81,160, jobless rate 0.00% and its currency Swiss Franc (CHF). Switzerland official languages and mostly spoken dialects are 63.7% German, 20.4% French, 6.5% Italian, 0.5% Romansh.

Lake Lungern Valley, Switzerland

Lake Lungern Valley, Switzerland
Lake Lungern Valley from Brunig Pass, Switzerland

Winter in the Swiss Alps

Winter in the Swiss Alps

Winter in the swiss alps, Switzerland.

Thun Lake Bern, Switzerland

Thun Lake Bern, Switzerland
Beautiful little tower of Oberhofen castle in the Thun lake with mountains on background in Switzerland, near Bern.

Berne Switzerland

Berne Switzerland
World treasure city, Berne Switzerland.

Lucerne Switzerland

Lucerne Switzerland

Cityscape of Lucerne in the evening, Switzerland.

Saint-Pierre Geneva, Switzerland

Saint-Pierre Geneva, Switzerland
BFM, cathedral Saint-Pierre green tower and Rhone river by night with full moon, Geneva, Switzerland.

Wooden Church Bern, Switzerland

Wooden Church Bern, Switzerland
Wooden church with alpine lake landscape in background, Bern, Switzerland.

Geneva Switzerland

Geneva Switzerland
French Canton Geneva, Switzerland.

Grossmunster Church Zurich, Switzerland

Grossmunster Church Zurich, Switzerland

View of historic Zurich city center with famous Fraumunster Church, Limmat river, and Zurich lake from Grossmunster Church, Switzerland.

Where is Switzerland on the Europe Map?

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