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Sweden has a population of 9,540,065 people, Sweden’s largest city Stockholm is the capital of Sweden.

Sweden personel income per capita $56,956, jobless rate 1.00% and its currency Swedish krona (SEK) . Sweden official languages and mostly spoken dialects are Swedish.

Stockholm, Sweden

Stockholm, SwedenPanorama from height of bird’s flight on observation deck on tower City Hall to Gamla Stan (Old Town), Stockholm, Sweden.

Gamla Stan Stockholm, Sweden

Gamla Stan Stockholm, Sweden
Scenic summer aerial panorama of the Old Town (Gamla Stan) pier architecture in Stockholm, Sweden.

Scandinavian Summer Landscape, Sweden

Scandinavian summer landscape, Sweden

Beautiful Scandinavian summer landscape with lupines and lake.

Old Town Stockholm, Sweden

Old Town Stockholm, Sweden
Scenic panorama of the Old Town (Gamla Stan) pier architecture in Stockholm, Sweden.

Sodermalm District Stockholm, Sweden

Sodermalm District Stockholm, Sweden
Scenic summer view of the Old Town pier architecture in Sodermalm district of Stockholm, Sweden.

Centre of Gothenburg, Sweden

Centre of Gothenburg, Sweden

Canal in the historic centre of Gothenburg, Sweden.

Sodermalm District of Stockholm

Sodermalm district of Stockholm
Scenic evening view of the Old Town pier architecture in Sodermalm district of Stockholm, Sweden.

Skyline in Stockholm City, Sweden

Skyline in Stockholm City, Sweden
Panorama view of Stockholm skyline in Stockholm city, Sweden.

Where is Sweden in the World?

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