Hong Kong

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Hong Kong has a population of 7,061,200 people, Hong Kong’s capital city is Hong Kong.

Hong Kong’s personel income per capita $34,049, jobless rate 0.50% and its currency Hong Kong dollar (HKD). Hong Kong official languages and mostly spoken dialects are English, Chinese, ethnics groups.

Hong Kong Skylines

Hong Kong Skylines

Hong Kong Island from Kowloon

Hong Kong Island from Kowloon

Hong Kong Island from Kowloon with Hong Kong skylands.

View of Hong Kong city

View of Hong Kong city
View of Hong Kong city.

Victoria Harbor, Hong Kong

Victoria Harbor, Hong Kong
Hong Kong, China skyline panorama from across Victoria Harbor.

Hong Kong Sunrise

Hong Kong Sunrise

Hong Kong sunrise from downtown with skylines.

Where is Hong Kong in the World?

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