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Brazil has a population of 193,946,886 people, Brazil’s capital city is Brasa­lia and largest city Sao Paulo.

Brazil personel income per capita $12,788 (53rd), jobless rate 7.25% and its currency Real (BRL). Brazil official languages and mostly spoken dialects are Portuguese.

Ethnics Groups : 47.73% White, 43.13% Brown (Multiracial), 7.61% Black, 1.09% Asian, 0.43% Amerindian.

Corcovado, Rio de Janeiro

Corcovado, Rio de JaneiroCorcovado, Rio de Janeiro, Brazi. South America.

Sao Paulo, Brazil

Sao Paulo, Brazil
Sao Paulo – Brazil – Latin America.

Rainforest in Brazil

Rainforest in Brazil

Aerial View of a Rainforest in Brazil.

Christ Redeemer, Rio de Janeiro

Christ Redeemer, Rio de Janeiro
Aerial view of Rio de Janeiro with Christ Redeemer and Corcovado Mountain.

Rua do Bom Jesus Street, Recife

Rua do Bom Jesus Street, Recife
View of the historic Rua do Bom Jesus street in the city of Recife in Pernambuco, Brazil on a sunny summer day with its cobblestones and 17th century buildings.

Iguazu Falls, Brazil

Iguazu Falls, Brazil

Tourists at Iguazu Falls, one of the world’s great natural wonders, on the border of Brazil and Argentina.

Ipanema Beach in Rio de Janeiro

Ipanema Beach in Rio de Janeiro
Palms and Two Brothers Mountain on Ipanema beach in Rio de Janeiro. Brazil.

Botafogo Bay, Rio de Janeiro

Botafogo Bay, Rio de Janeiro
Aerial view of Botafogo Bay from high angle, Rio De Janeiro.

Where is Brazil in the World?

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