North Korea

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North Korea has a population of 24,554,000 people, North Korea’s largest city Pyongyang is the capital of Republic of North Korea.

North Korea’s personel income per capita $1,800, jobless rate and its currency North Korean won (KPW). North Korea official languages and mostly spoken dialects are Korean. Ethnics Groups : Korean.

Great People’s Study House, North Korea

Great People's Study House, North KoreaPyongyang, North Korea – August 2012: The landmark building “Great People’s Study House” in Kim Il-sung Square, Pyongyang city, the capital of DPRK

Pyongyang, North Korea

Pyongyang, North Korea
North Korea, Pyongyang, April, 2012 – View of the city from above. Ryugyong Hotel.

Pyramid-shaped skyscraper Pyongyang, North Korea

Pyramid-shaped skyscraper Pyongyang, North Korea

The skyline view of Ryugyong Hotel, an unfinished 105-story pyramid-shaped skyscraper & the first tall building in Pyongyang city, the capital of North Korea (DPRK).

Kim Il-Sung Square Pyongyang

Kim Il-Sung Square Pyongyang
Pyongyang, North Korea – August 15th 2016 – Locals walking in front of a big statue in Pyongyang, North Korea capital in a cloudy day.

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